Eating foods that are locally produced and in season is a great way to reduce the overall environmental impact of what we eat. These days, large food producers can grow food all year round which makes supermarket shelves not a very good indicator of what’s in season.
The Stop Food Waste Seasonal Food Calendar tracks the growing season so you’ll know when it’s best to buy Irish produce. As you will notice, there’s a whole lot more available in the summer and the autumn than during the month of April when many plants are at the beginning of their growth cycle. It’s during these points in the year that you will most appreciate the food that’s been preserved.
In Ireland, we are lucky enough to be able to buy locally grown fresh food all year round. Enjoying food in season gives us a greater appreciation for the produce. Who doesn’t love a Wexford strawberry in June?
Fruit and veg that are transported from around the world are often picked before they are fully ripe and can lose nutrients by the time we buy them. Local sourcing will keep this to a minimum.
Energy and resources are needed to grow, package and transport food across a global food system. Keeping it local can reduce the amount of energy used.
Money spent on locally produced food goes back into the local economy. Although Irish produce can be more expensive, buying in season means that you are investing in your local community and getting the best price for food in its prime. Much food is wasted because it fails to meet cosmetic standards. By shopping local and buying directly from the producer, you have an opportunity to buy products which retailers may not stock such as “wonky fruit and vegetables”.
Go to the seasonal calendar and find out what’s in season in Ireland this month. What could feature on the menu in your business?
Follow the seasons and grow your own herbs and greens on-site. Take a look at the short video below from Vocational College for Hospitality and Tourism Maribor in Slovenia to learn about a green wall that has been installed in the college.
Download this case study on the use of different technologies for indoor growing.