
This Vocational Education and Training (VET) online course on the topic of food waste has particular relevance to the food service sector. Learners will derive added value from their work placement with the completion of this training.

Every business has the power to change how they deal with waste and, in doing so, to make a HUGE improvement on our carbon footprint and help to achieve the climate targets that are so important for us all.

The programme will need a commitment of 25 hours. This can be completed at your own pace. It is recommended to spread this process across a 5-week period.

There are 7 Learning Outcomes for this online course. Upon completion of this module, you will:

1. Understand the issue of food waste and its climate impact.

      2. Understand ways to measure food waste in a business.

      3. Know how to measure the cost of food waste.

      4. Be able to identify actions to prevent and reduce food waste across the supply chain.

      5. Know how to best manage food waste in a food business.

      6. Be aware of existing food waste initiatives and supports for business.

      7. Contribute to the prevention of food waste across an operation and critically reflect on the process and its outcomes.

      There are 5 tasks required to earn the Food Waste Education Online Course.
      1. Completing a short personal reflection based on the digital badge and experience of food waste management in the workplace.

      2. Completing the e-learning training materials in every module.

      3. Passing the online assessment quizzes (Knowledge Check).

      4. Completing a food waste report based on the template provided.

      5. Presenting the findings and recommendations of the report.